| Seventy-four in Latin | |
Translation of 74 in Latin The Latin translation of the word seventy-four is as follows: Septuaginta quattuor The word for seventy-four or 74 represents a cardinal number that conveys "how many". Septuaginta quattuor is the correct form of the word which means seventy-four, there are no gender distinctions after three. Cardinal numbers are also known as "counting numbers," because they show quantity. Examples of English ordinal numbers are "first", "second" or "third". Seventy-fourth in Latin is septuagesimus quartus. | Septuaginta quattuor Translation of 74 |
74 in Latin - Roman Numerals Roman numerals are script letters that are used to represent numbers. The Roman numeral of 74 is the name for a number when it is written in the way the Romans used to write numbers. The Roman numeral for this number is as follows: LXXIV If a lower value symbol is after a higher value number, it is added so VI = 6. If a lower value symbol is before a higher value number, it is subtracted so IV = 4. A number with a line over it means to multiply it by 1000. | LXXIV |
Septuaginta quattuor or 74 in Latin The number 74 translates to the word Septuaginta quattuor. Seventy-fourth is septuagesimus quartus. The English-Latin translation of this number is: 74 | LXXIV | Seventy-four | Septuaginta quattuor | 74th | septuagesimus quartus |
Latin numerals are composed of just seven letters: I, V, X, L, C, D and M. The ancient Romans did not use a zero and there is no singular form for most of the numbers. | |