Roman Numbers and Words


Numbers in Latin



Roman Coin


Clock with Roman Numbers


Ten in Latin

Julius Caesar

Translation of 10 in Latin
The Latin translation of the word ten is as follows:


The word for ten or 10 represents a cardinal number that conveys "how many". Decem is the neuter form of the word which means ten, there are no gender distinctions after three. Cardinal numbers are also known as "counting numbers," because they show quantity. Examples of English ordinal numbers are "first", "second" or "third". Tenth in Latin is Decimus.



Translation of 10


10 in Latin - Roman Numerals
Roman numerals are script letters that are used to represent numbers. The Roman numeral of 10 is the name for a number when it is written in the way the Romans used to write numbers. The Roman numeral for this number is as follows:


If a lower value symbol is after a higher value number, it is added so VI = 6. If a lower value symbol is before a higher value number, it is subtracted so IV = 4. A number with a line over it means to multiply it by 1000.



Decem or 10 in Latin
The number 10 translates to the word Decem.
Tenth is Decimus. The English-Latin translation of this number is:


Latin numerals are composed of just seven letters: I, V, X, L, C, D and M. The ancient Romans did not use a zero and there is no singular form for most of the numbers.


Number 10 in Latin

The word for 10 is "Decem"
Examples and translation of words
Roman numeral for number ten
Learn the meaning of the numeric symbol for 10
Simple, fast translation of "ten"
English-Latin translation
The language of the ancient Romans
The word for 10, ten, is "Decem"


Translation of 10


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